Monday, July 29, 2024


This is the research part for my ad project.

Who is the target audience? ( Demographic / Psychographic )
- Psychographic, it is most likely targeted to people that are younger aged and people that likes to travel more or people that likes to explore.

How is the audience usually targeted?
- The audience is usually targeted by showing them locations of different countries or places to show that the person in the video is traveling around the world which persuades the audience to want to travel around the world.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?
- Advert conform 

What images/locations were used to appeal to the audience?
-  Locations that has colors and locations that are famous around the world.

What sounds/music were used to appeal to the target the audience? 
- Dramatic, upbeat piano which makes it seem like a movie about traveling and makes it a more cinematic video.

What people were shown in the ad? How do they appeal to the audience?
- A mid-twenty aged person, they appeal to the audience by being in the center of the video and being in different appealing outfits.

What is the message of this advert?
- To show that traveling is fun and has a lot of unique places to be looking at and exploring.

( Research HW )

Who is the target audience? ( Demographic / Psychographic )
- Psychographic, because it is more likely to attract people that are more into the lavish or luxury lifestyle.

How is the audience usually targeted?
- The audience is usually targetted by famous actors that were shown by the advert to target people that loves actors like the one shown in the advert because they are from popular movies. As well, as they show a fake " Behind the Scenes " clip which makes it a bit comedy for the advert.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?
It subverts into a movie-comedy like advert rather than showing the actual scenery of Switzerland itself to promote it.

What images/locations were used to appeal to the audience?
- Beautiful mountains, rivers, glaciers and old towns.

What sounds/music were used to appeal to the target the audience? 
- Orchestra type music to make the advert feel grand and royal to the audience

What people were shown in the ad? How do they appeal to the audience?
- People that are in their mid 20s or 40s and there are some that look old, the actors are also appeal to the audience as they are the main actors used for the advert because, they appear in the advert most of the time. 

What is the message of this advert?
- The message of the advert is to promote about Switzerland and how they have a Grand Tour of Switzerland to promote for people to explore and learn new things in Switzerland with the help of actors to attract even more people because they are well-known around the world making the advert more attracting.

Who is the target audience? ( Demographic / Psychographic )
- Psychographic

How is the audience usually targeted?
- The audience is targetted by the voice-over on the advert like the audience and the advert is having a conversation to talk about Australia. 

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?
- The advert conforms in a normal way.

What images/locations were used to appeal to the audience?
- They show the beaches, tropical scenery, deserts, and the beautiful blue ocean.

What sounds/music were used to appeal to the target the audience? 
- A pop, happy music to play as the background to make it sound exciting and a voice-over of a girl that sounds Australian.

What people were shown in the ad? How do they appeal to the audience?
- People that are from different age groups, young and old with also masculine men. They appeal to the audience because they look like people that likes to explore and have fun.\

What is the message of this advert?
- To attract tourists and from the message at the end of advert can be catchy to people with the " Come and Say G'day " meaning tourists should come and say hello to the locals of Australia.

Who is the target audience? ( Demographic / Psychographic )
- Psychographic

How is the audience usually targeted?
- There is a voice over by an old sounding man to talk over the video and talk about New Zealand and it is like you're having a conversation with the advert and they usually say to " you " that New Zealand is welcoming you to come.

Did this advert conform or subvert the normal way?
- The advert conforms into a normal way.

What images/locations were used to appeal to the audience?
- Beautiful lakes / rivers, natural springs, exotic archipelagos and the beaches.

What sounds/music were used to appeal to the target the audience? 
- A dramatic, orchestra and an adventurous type music and the sounds of people and people singing from the culture of New Zealand. In addition with natural sounds like waves, birds and more.

What people were shown in the ad? How do they appeal to the audience?
- Most of the people shown in the ad is mostly young because, they are more likely to travel to New Zealand and most of them are adventurers and explorers wanting to travel around the world but there also, old people shown in the video that looks very healthy. They appeal to the audience by wearing things that you would normally wear in different occasions like in hiking, they use big backpacks and sunglasses and other things and they sometimes show the people up close in the advert of them having fun and smiling.

What is the message of this advert?
- The message of this advert is to show what you will see and learn about when you come into New Zealand as a vacation or a trip.

Self-Reflection : I did research on tourism ads on YouTube. I found that most of the ads were cinematic and it was mostly showing the nature side of the countries that were being advertised and this helped on doing the project as we needed to show a nature side in the project to make the audience feel interested into exploring new things. 

My Team

This is my team for my ad project.

Bams -

Sagara -

Alex -

Max -

In this project, each member has a role in the project :

Max - Camera, Actor, Editor

Alex - Actor, Editing, Notetaker / Clapper

Sagara - Actor

Bams - Editing, Lighting, Actor

Self-Reflection : The team and me, I got to groups with is fine because, I already know them well so I don't have to be so awkward with my team. We also had many downs with our team as sometimes they may be busy with their schedule and they don't have much time to go out because of problems or events in their family. Overall, we did good enough that I think of when trying to record some footage and edit the video but, sometimes I can procrastinate of doing the project as it feels like too much work but, it is fun in the progress of making it, it's like trial and error.

Weekly Progress + Plan


This is the weekly progress and plan for my ad project.

WeekStart DateTaskBlogpost TitleContent
22 July
29 July
Pre Production
1BriefDescription of the brief, embed powerpointW2
2Plan & Weekly ProgressPlan for the whole project, Weekly diaryW2
3TeamYour team + Links ot their blogsW2
4ResearchResearch into documentary openings of the same genreW4
5 August
5Statement of IntentPlan for the productW4
6StoryboardScene by scene storyboardW5
7Location Scout & Risk AssessmentPossible shooting locations, risk assessment tableW5
12 August
19 August
8Behind the ScenesImages of the shootW8
26 August
2 September
Post Production
10Editing ProcessHow did you edit? Challenges, solutionsW9
11Self ReflectionSelf Reflection PresentationW9
9 September
16 September
12FinalFinal adW9

Weekly  Progress

Week 2

We learned about genre and semiotics. Genre is a category or groups based on characteristics.
Semiotics is a study of signs.

Week 3
This week we learned about camera angles such as close up, over the shoulder, longshots, high angle, and dutch angles. We also started to analyze and began our research for our tourism project about Bali. In addition, we also learnt about the uses and the importance of the angles being used in ads, movies or films. For example how, establishing shot can give out context where the location is going to be at and it sets the mood and atmosphere for the scene.

Week 4
This week we learned about diegetic sound, non diegetic sounds, trans-diegetic sounds. Diegetic sounds are real world sounds inside the media, non-diegetic sounds are sounds that are heard by the audience and not the characters, and trans-diegetic sounds are when one type of sound are changed into one another. After knowing about all the things we learned this week, I know what certain audios can make the audience feel which would be great for the project we are creating to create the effect we want.

Week 5 
This week we learned about mise-en-scene, editing and we also made a filming schedule for our tourism ad to make things more organized and not all messy incase, something is missing and we have to go all the way back to get it. There are also different types of editing, which are continuity and non-continuity editing. Mise-en-scene is how a scene comes together and tells a story about it. Now, I have a better idea in how to make a scene look more flawless looking or more appealing to the eyes and aswell, with the editing techniques, Mr has showed to us such as like match cut, jumpcut, flash forward and more.

Week 6
This week we learned about Steve Neale's theory in genre and David Buckingham's theory. Buckingham's theory is about genre is constructed by audiences and producers to make sense of media texts. Steve Neale's theory is about media text changes to cater societal and technological advances. We were also introduced to do the CCR ( Critical Creative Reflection ), which is very boring and too much work but, it is mostly part of our grades so, I have to do it. We also have to edit the footage this week and make sure everything is going good :D

Week 7
 In addition, we also learned about Roland Barthes's codes which are hermeneutic, proairetic, semantic, symbolic, and cultural codes. Hermeneutic is any element in a story that is not explained ( mystery ), proairetic applies to any action that implies a further narrative action, semantic points to any element in a text that suggest a particular meaning or a connotation, symbolic code are used to add depth and additional meaning to their media texts and cultural code is symbols and systems of meaning that are relevant to members of a particular culture (or subculture). Levi Strauss's theory is about binary opposites which is basically, like two opposing characters ( Good vs Evil ) and more.

This is the link for the filming schedule :

Self-Reflection : I think that the whole project with the schedule makes it very organized and more prepared as this was very helpful and ever since, I knew about the mise-en-scene and media codes. I couldn't watch movies the same as I analyzed each single angle and everything about it and not pay attention to the movie although, overall it was very fun to learn new things about the internet and medias.

Project Brief

 Here is the brief for my tourism ad project.

Production : Organising our Footage

👾This is the blog post that shows on what tech or applications used ( with screenshots ), how it helps and what systems did we use to do th...